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WE Learn and COMmunicate Ensemble
Funded by the Erasmus+
Programme of the
European Union


БЮЛЕТИН но. 5  април 2019

Introducing the fifth WELCOME newsletter, which is coordinated by the Dr. Josef Raabe s.r.o. Publishing House. This is an international European Erasmus+ project, falling under Key Action 2 (KA2), ...

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БЮЛЕТИН но. 4  октомври 2018

We would like to take this opportunity to present to you the fourth newsletter of the WELCOME project, which is coordinated by the Nakladatelství Dr. Josef Raabe s.r.o. publishing house. It is an ...

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БЮЛЕТИН но. 3  април 2018

You are about to read the third newsletter of the WELCOME project, which is coordinated by the Nakladatelství Dr. Josef Raabe s.r.o. publishing house. It is an international European Erasmus+ ...

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бюлетин но. 2  октомври 2017

We are bringing you the second newsletter of the WELCOME project that is coordinated by the Nakladatelství Dr. Josef Raabe s.r.o. publishing house. It is an international, Erasmus+ project that ...

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бюлетин май 2017

You are now reading the first of five newsletters for the WELCOME project (WE Learn and COMmunicate Ensemble), which runs under the coordination of the Nakladatelství Dr. Josef Raabe s.r.o. ...

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